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Did you know...
Students who regularly participate in dance:
Earn higher GPAs
Perform better in science, math, and writing
Earn higher test scores on SATs
Enroll in 4-year colleges and earn mostly As
Source: National Endowment for the Arts
Additionally, dance boosts confidence, coordination, and compassion for others!

Proudly partnering with these outstanding organizations

Tn Arts Collective
Scenic City Dance, in partnership with Tennessee Arts Collective. Tn Arts Collective is a registered non-profit 501(c)3 organization, federal tax ID # 86-2519264
Learn More
Scenic City Dance strives to provide excellence in dance education through classes, community, and performance opportunities. Your generosity opens the door to the world of dance for our community, our dancers, and beyond.
1800 Rossville Ave #112
Chattanooga, TN 37408 (southside)
Subscribe to learn more.
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